*** DEMO ***
Be warm while you chill in this sexy knitted pencil skirt and cropped sweater combo with coordinating cowl style scarf and the season's must have ankle boots.
All are 100% fitted mesh in 5 standard sizes + sizes fitted for Maitreya, Slink, and Belleza mesh bodies.
The entire outfit is HUD driven to give you countless color coordinating options.
Fitted mesh skirt and top in 5 sizes
Fitted mesh skirt and top in sizes rigged for Maitreya, Slink, and Belleza.
Unrigged cowl scarf with resizer.*
Mesh boots rigged for Belezza and Slink high feet.**
Clothing HUD
Boot HUD
Alphas needed to use with classic avatars.
Boot base
*Resizer script may be deleted.
**Feet not included with boots, if you don't already have Slink or Belleza feet, please try the demos available at their stores.
***You must have a mesh enabled viewer to see these items.