floating stairs full

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This sculpted spiral stairs is 2 prim (9 steps)
You can modify the size or the texture of it through the standard tools of SL (right click on the stairs and choose EDIT)


Rez the stairs on the place you want to install them. Right click on it and pressing the CTRL key use the white squares to resize to adjust at your needed space. With the arrows position exactly. When you see all ok then go to OBJECT tab of the stairs and UNLINK the objects. Now select the stairs object (that is different of the spiral transparent object), be sure you select the steps stair. Then select the immaterial switch and let it ON.

Now you can test the stairs walking up.

Be careful: once unlinked if you need to modify the size of position of stairs be sure to link first the 2 parts of stairs to avoid problems. After modified you can repeat the unlink.

Have fun

Any problem IM me




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Vendido por: m2op

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