G Geral

Flying Dragon Tip Jar

Flying Dragon Tip Jar

This Fun Tip Jar Poofs the words " Thank you " when Tipped, and can be resized in edit, so if you want it smaller or bigger, you are able to make it the perfect size for your needs ( The tip jar may show as no Mod but that's only because of some scripts that have to be set to no Mod, but this doesn't stop you from editing it).. If you wish to remove the poofer, It's easy to do. just get your Tip Jar in edit, look in contents and simply delete the poofer script.. Any questions you may have . please IM me and I will be happy to help.. This tip jar is 4 Prim, land impact 4

  • When added to its content it can give a gift when Tiped
  • Can send group invites
  • Can send Web Links i.e. FB page
  • Poofs the words " Thank you " when Tipped