G Geral

WC1510 Khaki Denim Pants

WC1510 Khaki Denim Pants

Package Includes:
- Mesh Models For Signature Gianni, Belleza Jake, Ocacin Gamit, Adin Bento Version, Slink, Onupup and Classic Avatars
- 5 Mesh Faces
- UV map
- AO map
- Alpha map
- Normal map

Terms and Conditions:
- The contents of this package cannot be sold "as is", with the same textures you receive, with the same format it is being sold (Full Perm Business Package), with Copy/Transfer permissions ticked at the same time
- Models cannot be sold under 50 Lindens

  • Full Perm, Fitmesh, Fitted Mesh
  • Gianni, Jake, Gamit, Adin, Slink, Onupup, Fitmesh Classic
  • Shadow map, Easy to work on, highly optimized UV Map with visual guidance
  • 5 Mesh Faces
  • Ready to wear