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✨ Full Perm. Mesh County Sofa XI (Couch) By Koncepto ✨

✨ Full Perm. Mesh County Sofa XI (Couch) By Koncepto ✨
✨ Full Perm. Mesh County Sofa XI (Couch) By Koncepto ✨
0 Resenhas

Please don't forget to share your positive or negative thoughts and rates. Your thoughts and support are very important to us.
Enjoy this work presented to you with the quality of Koncepto. While we offer you these products, we leave it to your imagination to create wonderful works from these meshes.

No refunds on full perm items. In the case of a double purchase please IM/NC the creator.


The product you are considering to buy includes the following ;

- Mesh item (Full permission)

- Ao maps (Full permission)

- Normals (Full permission)

- Uv maps (Copy, modify, No transfer)

- License Agreement/Terms of Use Notecard

This product consists of 4 faces.

Please keep in mind that the land impact will be -or- may be affected when you enlarge or shrink the objects.


License Agreement/Terms of Use

By purchasing this full perm product(s) you agree to the following set of rules:

The term 'full perm' in this instance means you are permitted to use the mesh objects and maps in your builds personal & commercial
But the the mesh items and textures may NOT be sold as full perm items. By purchasing these objects and maps you agree to the following; You will not resell, repackage or distribute any of the items as is.

You MAY:

- Use this mesh in your creations and resell using EITHER copy OR transfer permissions.
- Export the maps to your computer to edit and create your own textures, adding them to the objects purchased.

In other words:

You MAY NOT sell or give away your creations with full permissions, or copy/transfer permissions. Permissions must be restricted to (1) copy only (2) transfer only (3) copy/modify, or (4) transfer/modify.

You MAY NOT resell, redistribute or publish the meshes, or textures in any form. You may not transfer these meshes or textures to any other virtual world, website, torrent, or to any other 3rd party individual or entity.

Koncepto holds the original files and records all transactions.

© Koncepto, all right reserved.


Please feel free to consult us with any questions you may have.

Thank you for shopping with us.

  • Full permission
  • Low Landimpact
  • Mesh
  • High Lod
  • Furniture

L$ 299

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Koncepto -  Animated Furniture, Full Perm. Mesh, Dance Animations
Koncepto - Animated Furniture, Full Perm. Mesh, Dance Animations
Vendido por: clipszango Karu

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

empty star empty star empty star empty star empty star
0 Resenhas
  • Copiar
  • Modificar
  • Transferir
  • Licenciado para o usuário
Re-entrega automática
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 17