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GAS [Holiday Dress Miss Santa - All 10 Colors w/HUD] Demo

GAS [Holiday Dress Miss Santa - All 10 Colors w/HUD] Demo
GAS [Holiday Dress Miss Santa - All 10 Colors w/HUD] Demo
1 Resenhas

GAS [Holiday Dress Miss Santa - All 10 Colors w/HUD] Demo

authentic MESH fashion
by GAS Clothing Company

10 Dress Colors: black, blue, brown, green, orange, pink, purple, red, White, yellow
2 Bells Colors: gold, silver
Changer color of each part separately!
Textur Changer HUD
100% Rigged MESH
HQ Fabric Textures
5 SL Standard Sizes: XXS, XS, S, M, L
9 Fitted MESH:
- The Mesh Project (TMP)
- Maitreya Mesh Body
- Slink Physique
- Slink Hourglass
- Belleza Freya
- Belleza Isis
- Belleza Venus
- Tonic Fine Beauty
- Tonic Curvy Beauty

Please note: This is a 10 Minute Demo Version - you can test the item for ten minutes - after this time the item will detached and destroyed itself.

All Items copy/no transfer/no mod - unless notes otherwise! - so i cant take it back and pay refund.

Please try a demo before buying if avail. If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you.

Standard Sizing: You can get Standard sizing shapes for FREE in my mainstore ingame. Please join my group.

Veja o item no Second Life
  • 10 Dress Colors + 2 Bells Colors
  • Textur Changer HUD
  • 100% Rigged MESH
  • HQ Fabric Textures
  • 9x MESH Avatar + 5x Classic Avatar (Standard Sizes)
Classificação média: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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Not happy! Bad cusotmer service :(
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Postado(s) 22/12/2020 por Scarlet Baskein

I contacted the owner about the Maitreya model where the bottom is going through the top of the dress and asked if this problem could be fixed and I never got the answer, bought it 12/09/20.
Very sad because I love so much this dress :(

Esta resenha foi útil?

L$ 0

Versão completa
GAS Clothing Company
Vendido por: GASCC2013

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

Funcionam com avatares clássicos e em mesh
Mais informações
  • Copiar
  • Modificar
  • Transferir
  • Licenciado para o usuário
Re-entrega automática
Mesh: 100% Mesh, Mesh ajustada