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G.R.U. - Ghoul Glowing One

G.R.U. - Ghoul Glowing One
G.R.U. - Ghoul Glowing One
0 Resenhas

**Modding Capabilities Required. PLEASE READ THE NOTECARD!!!**

This is a Simple texture mod for the Magic Pony!

It'll turn you into the GHOUL of your dreams! Undead Equines of the Pastel and diminutive variety have never been this nice lookin', if'n I don't say so myself! Astound others with your glowing veins, singed flesh - and absolutely RADIANT personality! You'll have your preferred partners screaming at you for more!

Originally released for the NUTBUSTERZ Halloween DoD event, here it is a year later ready and waiting for you! It MIGHT or /MIGHT NOT/ work with the g5 heads, I have yet to actually try it out. If it works and you're a fan - leave a comment!

NutbusterzMagic Pony avatar -


For a better image, please look at:

  • Normal Maps
  • Shine maps
  • Appliers
  • Helpful notecard! [PLEASE READ IT!]
  • Ghoulish-Goodness

L$ 250

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G.R.U Industries
G.R.U Industries
Vendido por: Grutanya Wunderlich

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

Funcionam com avatares Nutbusterz
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