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G&T creations Cocktail heel Papillon Royal Blue

G&T creations Cocktail heel Papillon Royal Blue
G&T creations Cocktail heel Papillon Royal Blue
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This charming heel is made to match with the "Papillon" Gowns using the same colors and fine details and availeble in 6 colors.

you find 3 shoes in the box one is a scripted shoe with sexy walk and heelclick sound with a menu control

If you prefer not to use it than you simple wear the none scripted heel.

* You can find the red heels here!
* You can find the Goldenrod heels here!
* You can find the Green heels here!
* You can find the Purple heels here!
* You can find the Blue heels here!
* You can find the Violet heels here!

L$ 350

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G&T Creations
G&T Creations
Vendido por: Greenie Lane

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