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Go&See * Nanika * Shape

Go&See * Nanika * Shape
Go&See * Nanika * Shape
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Go&See * Nanika * Shape
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So, without further ado, I'd like to kick off this line-up with my new shape, which I've affectionately dubbed Nanika.

Here's what you need to know about her:

‣ Nanika shape was designed exclusively for the LeLutka Ceylon mesh head, Reborn + Reborn Waifu, and Legacy Perky mesh body.

‣ Nanika includes a detailed styling card, landmarks, body physics and a brow shape.

The shape can be changed, copied, but not transferred. As such, always make backup copies of your shape before changing it. If not, you can always go to the main store for a redelivery.

She was also crafted with a lot of love, so I hope you all enjoy her shape as much as I enjoyed making her. Find Nanika among my other shapes!

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To get the exact look you need to follow instructions in the styling card.

Watch the preview of this shape below!

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L$ 600

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Vendido por: Kristyna Wikifoo

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