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Greyish Alien - Probe Tour

Greyish Alien - Probe Tour
Greyish Alien - Probe Tour
1 Resenhas

Greyish Alien - Probe Tour

This little alien avatar combines both traditional shape and skin so he can wear your regular clothes to try and blend in. His hands head and feet are 100% mesh additions, so if you have a favorite hat you want him to wear your going to have to do some stretching to get it on this giant melon of his.

He includes both his official tour T-shirt and a customized gesture, "the Double Point". nothing says "I come in peace" like 2 big ol pointy fingers and a sweet smile :D

Single gesture (animation file included)
Mesh Head
Mesh Hands
Mesh Feet

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  • Low Prim Count
  • Quick to Load
  • Includes Gesture
Classificação média: full star full star full star full star full star
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Value for money
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 15/03/2012 por Nort Sinister

I actually purchased this AV weeks ago but never bothered to leave a review, although you only get hands, feet, head, skin and one funny shirt, its great value for the price and very very detailed, i frequently change avatars but this little alien i wear time and time again mix n matching outfits with it, i get many compliments, its a real head turner, i hope the creator has some additional outfits expecially for this alien in the works, like for example a space suit.

Esta resenha foi útil?

L$ 849

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Kobold Studios
Kobold Studios
Vendido por: Sarge72

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Mesh: Mesh parcial