The hongi, or the "sharing of breath," is a sacred and revered act that is typically displayed in a very distinctive manner: A physical exchange where two people press their noses against one another's.
Use this to pose for a Maori Nose Kiss called the Hongi. It is the traditional greeting, like a hug, and is a mark of respect and trust. This is a couples pose and is made for 3 avatar sizes. 1) for tall avatars, 2) for small avatars, and 3) for a small avatar with a tall avatar. You can also use the Switch and Adjust features to get just the right pose for the nose kiss. After using the Adjust feature, you can Save your position for the next time.
(Object and poses are Copy/Modify. Scripts are Copy/No Modify.)
Veja o item no Second Life- Nose kiss of New Zealand Maori
- Click on a sign
- Pose for photography