Harm's Way Vintage Suit DEMO

Included is rigged mesh suit coat(with tie and shirt attached),rigged mesh pants,rigged fitted mesh texture change shoes and socks, texture change mesh Panama hat,HUD and alpha layers.
This suit has two tie options, bow and long tie. To change the textures on the tie, just wear the included HUD and hit the resync button and choose the suit from the pop up menu. From there you will see options for each tie, handkerchief and shirt. To change the textures just choose the texture tab of the part you wish. if you want to wear the bow tie select NO tie on the long tie option, and visa versa for the long tie. The ties and handkerchief include several options for texture and tinting. The shirt has two texture options. You can also change the textures of the shoes and socks using the HUD as well.
With the hat you can change textures with the HUD or by touching it to bring up the pop up menu.
Please IM if you have any questions about this product!
Thanks, Harm
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