Heart Silks, Red & Gold Boxed

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Elegant dance silks that sway gracefully with every body movement. Each prim hand placed to cover just enough to leave your audience begging for a closer look. Transfer so you can gift them to your favorite girl, girlfriend, wife, someone you are just stalking or receive them as a gift from someone else.

As with all our clothing, these silks are fully scripted to be resized to fit YOUR individual shape. There are no mesh items, because we believe that you should have clothes to fit the shape you find beautiful, not clothes that force you to fit into a generic shape someone else has chosen for you. (Isn't that what those lovely sliders Linden Labs gave us are for?!)

As Always...Happy Flashing!




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Willow's Weakness
Willow's Weakness
Vendido por: Willow Redstar

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

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