Homeless Beggar Sign Holding

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So you have found yourself wandering around SL homeless and hungry, have you? Trust me, I know how it feels! Your Lindens are running low, you cannot find a place to stay warm for the night, and you're not sure where your next meal is going to come from.

Have you ever thought of panhandling? Every self-respecting hobo has had to do it at least once in their life, and now that may be your option as well.

Have no fear! It's as simple as holding a ragged cardboard sign on a stick! When your hobo or homeless avi walks around with this, there's no telling what kind of sympathy you may garner from fellow SL residents! You don't have to bother them or bug them at all, just stand on a street corner or in a busy area and let the sign do the begging for you.

This custom made sign will be held in your avi's RIGHT hand (simply right click on it in your inventory and select ADD). I have made the sign copy/mod so that if you need to resize it (it's 2 prims, the sign and the stick, so you may need to "edit linked" and rearrange accordingly) it's a simple matter.

It has a built-in animation of holding a sign for your right hand, and it should take priority over any AO that you have attached for your avi, so you will be seen as in the picture with bent elbow and holding the sign.

Have fun, explore the vast regions of SL, and don't be afraid of asking for a handout with this beautifully ragged hobo sign!

(Only the sign is included in purchase, not the hobo bindle stick or avatar.)

*** This item is copy/mod/no trans so if it gets delivered to you in some other way, then it is the fault of the marketplace delivery system and not mine. Please message me before leaving a bad review and I will make it right for you!


  • animation (static)
  • custom cardboard texture
  • sign
  • held by right hand
  • ADD to wear



Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


WedjLok Design
Vendido por: ColonelAeryck

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