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.*+honey bell+*. jeweleye (M3/kemono/venus)

.*+honey bell+*.   jeweleye (M3/kemono/venus)
.*+honey bell+*.   jeweleye (M3/kemono/venus)
6 Resenhas

I made for the first time.
8color cute/beautiful/glass eyes

※Other than eye such as skin, eyebrow, eyelush, hair etc are not included.

.*+.*+ Instructions .*+.*+

For [Utilizator] M3 Head/Kemono Head/Venus Head
I checked the operation only with these heads. Other heads can not be guaranteed.

It can also be used for M4 head.

1. Rezz the applier on the ground or wear it
2. Click the Applier
3. In the popup menu, choose which eye texture you want to apply "L eye" or "R eye" or if you want them all, click load all.
4. And you're done!


  • M3 Head eyes
  • Venus Head eyes
  • kemono Head eyes
  • M4 Head eyes
Classificação média: full star full star full star full star full star
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Nice :)
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 02/06/2022 por Jnaathra

Vibrant and quite lovely.

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Cute eyes ♥
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 03/07/2018 por Faris Bloodrose

Are the cutest eyes I ever bought for anime head. ♥♥ 100% lovely

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L$ 150

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Vendido por: Almabe

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