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Hoodlem - Moonbeam Fullbody Tattoo ( Omega / Legacy / BOM )

Hoodlem - Moonbeam Fullbody Tattoo ( Omega / Legacy / BOM )
Hoodlem - Moonbeam Fullbody Tattoo ( Omega / Legacy / BOM )
5 Resenhas

Faded, Regular & Fresh.. Works for ALL mesh with OMEGA / Legacy / Bakes on Mesh Appliers included ...!!


Any questions, concerns or problems, feel free to drop a notecard and IM In world . Glad to help you.

Enjoy - Hoodlem

  • 3 Omega ( Fresh/Faded/Reg) appliers
  • Legacy (Fresh/Reg/Faded) Applier
  • Bakes on Mesh (Fresh/Faded/Reg)
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My absolute all-time favorite tattoo
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 29/08/2021 por Damiana Babcock

Dare I say my favorite tattoo maker to date? I think I might. I don't necessarily love every single design offered, but I feel like over all the selection is pretty slick. Most importantly, for me, is the consideration the creator takes for poc and how tatts show up on our skin. I think I've worn this tattoo the longest I've worn a tattoo in SL. The only reason I no longer wear it is because I can't. I'm wearing the LeL Evo X head atm and this tat hasn't been updated to work with it. I'm hoping it will be updated tho, because the second it is, I'm going right back to it.

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Please fix <3
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 29/05/2021 por Uneeque Cloud

Wore this with the new Lelutka EvoX head and it doesn't work that well. This would look amazing otherwise <333

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L$ 250

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Vendido por: DeannaNaFreak

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