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Iggy So1p's Red Knucker Mod

Iggy So1p's Red Knucker Mod
Iggy So1p's Red Knucker Mod
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Thank you for your interest in these gnarly knuckers~ I started out with the ten 'standard' breed colors, and will hopefully branch out into more exotic mods as I track them down, but, of course, these beasts are a might bit shy, what with the living in wells and coming out primarily at night to harass cattle for milk and such. Maybe that's why they're so tall?

There are appliers for the wings and head included, as well as BOM layers for both the LLUV and Project Regalia bodies. Some seam issues may occur on the LLUV, as no two human mesh makers can seem to agree on how things ought to line up.

For the neck and tail, you'll need a place you can rez objects, and then to do so. Right-click > edit, go to texture tab, and dragon'drop the texture in, then pick them up and add 'em onto your bod.

Parts List:
Head: Psicorp Dragon
Neck: CAF Longneck [May scrunch down, depending on body, try it.]
Bodies: Any LLUV BOM compatible (Legacy, Kahlene, Kupra [may have seam malignments, closest is Legacy] OR Project Regalia [BOM] +
Tail: Requires an animator, I suggest the one from the MOR Eastern Dragon kit.
Recommended Parts:
Regalia Legs:
LLUV Bodies: The Draconis legs from here are pretty hot, I just use the claw universals, and the Maitreya fits Legacy body pretty well.

  • Knucker Shapes! Tall skinny boyes and gorls and enbies!
  • BOM and BOM[R] system layers
  • Parts list suggestion here
  • Hand-painted textures, completely unique takes on classic colors

L$ 425

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Iggy Solp's Body Mods
Iggy Solp's Body Mods
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