Intrepid Class/ Star Trek Voyager Hallway Set v1.1 (boxed)

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Stratotech Intrepid Class/Star Trek Voyager Hallway Set!

Thank you, for your interest in a Stratotech Hallway set with ambient corridor sounds, "Click here" joining tabs, and a NOVATECH SIM-WIDE TURBOLIFT/ELEVATOR SYSTEM! The pieces in this set will also connect to many of the pieces included in Novatech's Galaxy Class Hallway sets. You can also use this set with the various Galaxy Class role playing scenes Novatech offers. And, of course, it is fully compatible with other Stratotech hallway and role playing sets.

This set will enable you to create HUGE role playing scenes very quickly! All of the pieces included in this set use "Click here" joining tabs to make connecting the pieces as easy as two clicks of the mouse! Simply click the "Click here" tab on the piece that will NOT be moving, first. Then, click the "Click here" tab on the piece that will be moving into position. Once you click the "Click here" tabs, they change color from white to red, and sound a short tone to let you know you have successfully clicked the tab. After you click on the second hallway section's "Click here" tab, it will automatically move into alignment with the first piece, and you're ready to connect the next pieces!

I've included an enormous assortment of various configurations of hallway sections - more than I have seen in any other hallway or corridor set available in SL. If there is a set out there with more pieces, I have not seen it.

I have even included 45 degree Long Curved sections! When eight of the 45 degree Long Curved sections are connected together, they make a complete circle about 60M in diameter! This provides lots of space inside the circle for role playing modules! You can even bridge from one side to the other side and have a turbolift call station in the center of the circle! This makes building space station or multi-deck star ship sets a breeze!

You can stack the hallway sections on top of one another, too; and, they have been designed so that most optional modules are built in multiples of hallway section heights so that a two story build, for example. will have both the upper and lower floors lining up with the stacked hallway sections! This also makes it easier to plan your role playing set layouts, particularly when trying to fit a lot into a confined space - like when you want to build inside a Starship or Star Base hull.

And, whether it is a starship or a star base you're simulating, I've got you covered on sections with windows, too! I've provided hallway sections that have windows with still stars, warp effect stars (for the illiusion of movement through space at warp), and windows that are clear.

I've also provided hallway sections specifically designed for use with either doors (for rooms or optional modules) or hallways, to make the transitions look better.

I've also included something really special - a Novatech compatible turbolift/elevator system! These are simply the best! They use Novatech turbolift and call station scripts widely used throughout SL! Please, refer to the included official Novatech documentation for setup and configuration of your turbolift/elevator system. And, compare the price of this set to the price of the Novatech turbolift system, alone, to see the value in this package! You even get THREE styles of hallway call stations to match the three door styles provided!

This set includes the following pieces:

5M Straight Hallway - 10 prims
10M Straight Hallway - 10 prims
10M Straight Open L & R Doors - 14 prims
10M Straight Open L & R Halls - 22 prims
10M Straight Open Left Door - 12 prims
10M Straight Open Left Hall - 16 prims
10M Straight Open Right Door - 12 prims
10M Straight Open Right Hall - 16 prims
10M Port and Starboard Win Clear - 12 prims
10M Port and Starboard Win Still Stars - 14 prims
10M Port and Starboard Win Warp Stars - 14 prims
10M Port Win Clear - 11 prims
10M Port Win Clear Open Right Door - 13 prims
10M Port Win Clear Open Right Hall - 17 prims
10M Port Win Still Stars - 12 prims
10M Port Win Still Stars Open Right Door - 14 prims
10M Port Win Warp Stars Open Right Hall - 18 prims
10M Starboard Win Clear - 11 prims
10M Starboard Win Clear Open Left Door - 13 prims
10M Starboard Win Clear Open Left Hall - 17 prims
10M Starboard Win Still Stars Open Left Hall - 18 prims
10M Starboard Win Still Stars Open Left Door - 14 prim
10M Starboard Win Still Stars - 12 prims
10M Starboard Win Warp Stars Open Left Hall - 18 prims
10M Starboard Win Warp Stars - 12 prims
10M Starboard Win Warp Stars Open Left Door - 14 prims

45 Degree Long Curve Inner & Outer Openings - 40 prims
45 Degree Long Curve Inner Opening - 41 prims
45 Degree Long Curve Outer Opening - 41 prims
45 Degree Long Curved Hallway - 42 prims

45 Degree Short Curve - 5 prims
90 Degree Short Curve - 6 prims

Special X Section - 18 prims (use when bridging across Long Curved sections)
Special X Section w/Lif



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