G Geral

Izzie's - Flu Face (Evo X)

Izzie's - Flu Face (Evo X)


BOM Flu Face for LeLutka Evo X mesh heads

- separate blemishes
- cheeks blush
- dry lips
- dry skin
- eyebags
- frown lines
- herpes
- nose blush
- runny nose
- snot
- tears
- all flu layers combined
- combined flu layers without tears/snot/runny nose/herpes
- in 3 shades
- red eye mesh

NO appliers included! BakesOnMesh system tattoo layers only!

IMPORTANT: The BOM layers were made to fit the custom UV of LeLutka's Evo X head line. They will ONLY work on LeLutka mesh heads that have the Evo X feature and mesh heads that use the Evo X UV! They will NOT work on any other LeLutka heads (like LeLutka Origins or LeLutka Evolution Classic) and they will NOT work on any mesh heads from other brands that use the regular BOM UV!

Please try a free DEMO before purchasing!

modify: yes
copy: yes
transfer: NO

If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact Izzie Button inworld.

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