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*JOSSLYN* Shape by LUCIDity (ADD)

*JOSSLYN* Shape by LUCIDity (ADD)
*JOSSLYN* Shape by LUCIDity (ADD)

JOSSLYN Shape by LUCIDity Shapes

Shown on Maitreya Mesh Body and CATWA CATYA Mesh Bento head.

DEMO available in world store only.

❇ Shape
❇ Style Card including LM's to all worn items.
❇ Eyebrow Shaper

Should work on other mesh bodies as long as the creator makes the skins and appliers for your specific body.

****Does not include mesh head or mesh body****

The avatar official AD has not been manipulated in any graphics program - it is raw from Second Life. Windlight settings are always noted on the AD.

Any questions or concerns please contact Tempest Jewel before leaving a review. For double purchase please contact XxLucidityXx Resident on a NC with purchase information from your Second Life account transactions.

Thanks for your interest in LUCIDity Shapes!

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L$ 369

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LUCIDity Shapes
Vendido por: XxLucidityXx

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

Funcionam com avatares em mesh
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