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Jaguar Versão KFC

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The Jaguar KFC is a classic car for 2av, he comes with Normal and Cruise Control mode.

The car can be driven on the ground and flying!!!

What i like most about this car is the Cruise Control, you don't have to worry about speeding up, active the cruise control, (on the ground or flying) speed up once and just let it go while you enjoy the beautiful views along the roads and skies of the SL

Real car sound, 6 gears!

Touching the car, (after sit) will open one Hud for the pilot, and one for the passenger to edit or swap the pose, and security option with menu sit access (clicking in button ''Adjust'')

Very good quality / price

With safety always in mind, we offer you a FREE reflective vest. :)

*Commands in Notecard

*You can try the demo in the store*

Enjoy. °͜°

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  • Car

L$ 220

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Bazar Vehicles
Bazar Vehicles
Vendido por: rumacora

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