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Jian :: Beaumont Brick Fence

Jian :: Beaumont Brick Fence
Jian :: Beaumont Brick Fence
4 Resenhas

Extremely easy to use and customizable both in texture choices and privacy options for KoolDoor, these brick fences work great on their own or side by side with our matching Beaumont Brick Paths which boast matching textures.

Each piece is 1-2 LI depending on size and complexity, but can be linked together to potentially save on land impact.

If you have any questions, please contact us in-world by IMing JianSL Resident or Kalia Firelyte.

Be sure to check out the rest of our awesome creations at the Jian mainstore!

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  • KoolDoor Scripted
  • 13 Texture Options
  • Low Prim Impact
  • 100% Original Mesh
  • Matching Set to Brick Paths!
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I think it's great.
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 20/12/2017 por Sianna Greymoon

With a little understanding of how mesh works, one cannot expect to "stretch" any mesh without increasing prim count. (in reference to previous review) Thank you for the lovely build.

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Really great BUT..
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 09/12/2017 por Cinni Crisp

Can't change the door/gate texture which really sucks because it sadly doesn't go with all the textures. It's super nice regardless, though!

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L$ 200

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Vendido por: JianSL

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Mesh: 100% Mesh