G Geral

Jousting Tournament Board 32 Player Versão 5.2

Jousting Tournament Board 32 Player

Automatic Updates
Tournament Board V4.0 Jousting tournament board 6x19 meters
TournamentBoardHud V3.1 Remote manager hud, used when a tournament has been started, shows the current and
next match, can be used to put the list on hold, adjust the pass count and scores, and to
set a win for the current match
.CONFIG Notecard, copy of the default .CONFIG notecard in the board
Rules of the Joust Notecard, rules of the joust used at Celtic Isle, very similar to the Intersim joust
rules, modify for you own needs
Rules of the Joust Object with notecard giver, will give any user the above notecard when touched
Simple Bleaches A simple seating place with a cover, no sit scripts
Tournament Board Officials stand
Optional stairs and a plateform that fits behind the score board, a good pearch
for an official to stand and get a good view of the list
Stand for official Another stand for the offical, can be placed on the ground near the center of the list

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