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KK HOME - 4TH OF JULY CUPCAKES GOLD, 4th of July Centerpiece, Patriotic Cupcakes

KK HOME - 4TH OF JULY CUPCAKES GOLD, 4th of July Centerpiece, Patriotic Cupcakes
KK HOME - 4TH OF JULY CUPCAKES GOLD, 4th of July Centerpiece, Patriotic Cupcakes
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100% original mesh made by Katy Dirkle for Second Life.

Decorative 4th of July cupcakes with a cakestand to enhance your house or store. It's a beautiful centrepiece to any festive table.

Veja o item no Second Life
  • 100% Original Mesh
  • Low Land Impact - High Detail
  • Textured with custom made textures
  • Highest quality
  • Reasonable price

L$ 79

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Katy's Kreations
Vendido por: Katy Dirkle

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Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

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Mesh: 100% Mesh