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{KK} Lullabeebs & Toddleedoo Woodland Nursery Set

{KK} Lullabeebs & Toddleedoo Woodland Nursery Set
{KK} Lullabeebs & Toddleedoo Woodland Nursery Set
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A beautiful Woodland Nursery Set for Lullabeebs & Toddleedoo child avatars.

What's Included?

♥A nursery crib with changer with Toddleedoo and Lullabeebs Infant animations including playing with toys and sleeps that rez the correct sized sleeping blanket and parent tuckin or change animations.

♥A wonderful nursery playrug with many animations for both toddleedoo and Lullabeebs which rezz either toys, cushions and plushies, stories, blankies or bottle. Parent animations too.

♥Bookshelf, deer, rabbit stool, big bear, bear lamp, Overhead winter lamp,laundry basket, woodland tree and fairy door, closet with baskets & towels - all decor props designed to enhance the woodland theme.

♥LullaBeeb|Toddleedoo Tub - With an animation for toddleedoo, lullabeebs and a parent.

♥Toddler Nursery Bed - For Toddleedoo TD Baby - Jam packed with 18 animations including sleeps, stories, toys and much more. Parent/Child animations included.

♥Lullabeebs Cradle - A cozy cradle with blanket and animations for both baby and parent including play or sleeps for your lullabeeb little one.

Prims -
CribChanger - 7
Bed- 7
PlayRug - 2
Tub - 13
Cradle - 5
Deco Deer- 2
Bear Lamp -5
Deco Tree - 3
laundry Bag- 4
Big Cuddle Bear - 4
Hanging Winter Lamp - 6
Rabbit Stool - 2
Woodland Frames - 2
Decorative woodland Bookshelf - 1
Fairydoor - 3
Large Closet with baskets & Towels - 16

KK|KittyKate|Kitty Kate|LullaBeebs|Toddleedoo

Veja o item no Second Life
  • Lullabeeb|Toddleedoo Nursery - Nursery for LullaBeebs & Toddleedoo TD fullset
  • Lullabeebs|TD Nursery ~ Tub,crib,cradle,toddler bed, playrug,bookshelf,bear,
  • Lullabeebs|TD nursery ~lamps,laundrybag, rabbit,stool,story,toys,blankets
  • Lullabeebs|TD Nursery ~ interactive parent animations
  • LullaBeeb|Toddleedoo Nursery ~ lullabeebs and toddledoo sized animations

L$ 1.999

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Kitty Kate
Vendido por: 0liviaKate

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Funcionam com avatares Lullabeebs, Toddleedoo, Nursery
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