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~L/Fx~Kneadful Things Massage Set -PG v.3.0 mCtbox

~L/Fx~Kneadful Things Massage Set -PG v.3.0 mCtbox
~L/Fx~Kneadful Things Massage Set -PG v.3.0 mCtbox
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Exquisite massage, all PG poses and emotes! This massage set features a color-change massage bed and spa shelf.

The bed contains 16 poses (31 anims): massages and cuddles (plus 1 sequence: full body massage). Emotes are unisex and can be switched between whisper, say, IM, and off. Poses available for both genders. Plus gay-friendly: poses set using two average males.

Shelf includes bottles, towels, table-top fountain, and candles.

Both recolor to any shade using Wyv's Color Me! Hud available here:

How to Use:

1.) Rez massage bed & let it load. There are NO pose-balls!
2.) Right-click to sit. Massagee sits first. Masseuse sits after.
3.) Either can select a pose from the menu which pops up

--> You must SIT to access menus and settings! <--

* Mod/Copy/no-trans
* 16 Poses / 31 anims:
- 13 massage (incl. standing beside and straddling)
- 3 cuddles
* 1 Sequence: Full Massage
* Oil bottle attaches for a few poses
* Emotes for most poses
- Settings: off/IM/whisper/say
* Wyv's Color Me! script for easy recoloring
- HUD available on SL Marketplace.
* Pose engine: AvSitter 2.1
* Temp-attached props
- No need to dig in inventory for props!
* Security Controls
- Settings: who can sit, who can use menu, owner/group/all.
* Gender Flexible
- Includes unisex emotes and animations for both male & female
* Gay Friendly - All positions set with two average males.
- Smaller males and females may need to adjust poses slightly.
* Easily adjustable poses with X, Y, and Z menu buttons.

Adult version also available:

Veja o item no Second Life
  • 8 and 8 LI each (16 total)
  • 16 poses (31 anims) - for both male and female
  • Emotes for all massages (can turn off)
  • No pose-balls
  • Gay friendly - poses set with two average males

L$ 749

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~Lantian Flox~
~Lantian Flox~
Vendido por: Wyvern Dryke

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

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Impacto no terreno: 16