G Geral

~LLc~ House Kate 37LI

~LLc~ House Kate 37LI

A modern house with pool, balcony and lot of space.

37LI / 26x22x9m

- bushes/trees around are NOT included
- the shadows on the pictures are only because of the windlight, they are not on the texture
- you can change the color of the walls by selecting an area and tint this in the texture building menu
- all buildings working with the ,,ZimberLab - WinDoor Script", you get the menu by left click on one door and swiping away
- i only use textures with materials, so the houses look best at high graphic settings (advanced lighting model & ambient occlusion)

When you have any questions or problems drop me a NC inworld!

Have fun with your new home! :)

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