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Le Petite Wearble Sleigh for Ridable Fennux

Le Petite Wearble Sleigh for Ridable Fennux
Le Petite Wearble Sleigh for Ridable Fennux
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This is created for the yabusaki type mesh petite avatars only

The Fennux Ridables and Fennux Grabbers are NOT included

You must be using a viewer that will allow multiple attachment to the same avatar position.

The Fennux Ridable it was created for are the RFL Fennux Ridable (no longer available for sale, but may be found for sale amongst persons that did buy one originally)

This will NOT work with the live breedable fennux that are of the ridable size due to their animation. The RFL and pre-order fennux were created prior to the animations of the breedable fennux added in.


You WEAR the Sleigh and then you can use your arrow keys to move around and also 'fly' to fly through the air for a real 'Santa Sleigh' experience!

You WEAR your Fennux (NOT on their default positons) but on the SAME position as the Sleigh is worn and use EDIT and the arrows to move and position your Fennux and/or Grabbers into position.

Remember no FENNUX are included, this is just the SLEIGH and it is for PETITE MESH Yabusaki avatars only!
is not affiliated officially with Fennux Team™
Fennux™ logo is a trade mark of Fennux Team™

L$ 550

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Vendido por: Monavie Voight

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