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Lightbulb tail by Ukimi

Lightbulb tail by Ukimi
Lightbulb tail by Ukimi
0 Resenhas

Simple Light bulb tail not animated.
It is rigged so you can use huds to animate it.
It cast light

You can make light shades for it that don't need to be rigged. Just attach it to the tail tip and adjust it.

I recommend the Bento - Enhanced Tail by daiz Papp. It comes with a tail hud and its all free.

  • Please Read Note
  • Lightbulb tail base
  • Lightbulb tail
  • Lightbulb tail texture (full perm)

L$ 30

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Ukimi's Bobbles
Ukimi's Bobbles
Vendido por: Ukimi

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Mesh: 100% Mesh, Mesh ajustada