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*LightStar - Stone Bridge

*LightStar - Stone Bridge
*LightStar - Stone Bridge
2 Resenhas

Stone Bridge

-27 prims, no sculpties used.
-No megaprims used.
-3 Different stone textures used, all are 512x512 in size.
-Rezzed size is about 20 meters long by 5 meters wide, but you can scale it down very small.
-Fully modifiable so you can take it apart and expand it to make it longer, or make it shorter as needed.

See it on display in world at my shop!

  • 3 Different stone textures used, all are 512x512 in size.
  • Rezzed size is about 20 meters long by 5 meters wide, but you can scale it down
  • Fully modifiable so you can take it apart and expand it to make it longer, or ma
  • 27 prims, no sculpties or megaprims used
Classificação média: full star full star full star full star half star
  • 5 estrela(s):
  • 4 estrela(s):
  • 3 estrela(s):
  • 2 estrela(s):
  • 1 estrela(s):

L$ 300

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Vendido por: Krystal Silverweb

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Impacto no terreno: 27