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<<MCU>>ASR,M4,LEL,BoM Contact eyes

<<MCU>>ASR,M4,LEL,BoM Contact eyes
<<MCU>>ASR,M4,LEL,BoM Contact eyes
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Pupil appliers and BoM pupils (body parts) for ASR, M4 and Lelutka EVOX.
6 colors each with identical patterns.
Two white eye textures are included for ASR.
TONKATI head has BoM features on the eyes, but we have confirmed that they are not compatible with UV. If you are not sure about purchasing the head, please make sure that the head you want to use is listed among the heads compatible with the applier.

BoM eyes can be textured on the eyes of the universal layer to add highlights, etc.
I have enclosed a texture sample for positioning and Japanese instructions.

L$ 200

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Vendido por: machuc0

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