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MD The Unicorn Tapestries 15th Century (Boxed) )

MD The Unicorn Tapestries 15th Century (Boxed) )
MD The Unicorn Tapestries 15th Century (Boxed) )
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Five rich and elegant silk and wool tapestry textures depict the famous 15th century hunt of the mythical unicorn. Lucious greens, reds, opals and blues are set are set off by golden threads depict the hunt scenes in glorious detail. A wonderful texture set for your castle, stone buildings, and as fine art and decor.
TexWorks textures are sold in Second Life with full permissions, and are meant to be used in your builds and creations in Second Life only. You may NOT resell, repackage, or give away any TexWorks texture, either singly or as part of a set, without my permission. You may NOT sell or give away TexWorks textures individually or as a package in Second Life, or on ANY OTHER GRID, VIRTUAL WORLD, OR OTHER GAMING OR DIGITAL VENUE.

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  • Full permissions for builders and creators
  • 5- 15th Century silk and wool tapestries from the Netherlands
  • Deep rich hues set off in the finest silk & wool fabric
  • Depicts the famous Hunt of the Unicorn
  • Can be used for decor and as art in contemporary and Japanese themed builds

L$ 200

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Vendido por: Miriam Donogal

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