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{GS} Hole Cottage - WEAR TO UNPACK

{GS} Hole Cottage - WEAR TO UNPACK
{GS} Hole Cottage - WEAR TO UNPACK
1 Resenhas

The Hole Cottage, from the Golden Stallion.

Based on the cottage of the same name in Edenbridge, Kent, the Hole Cottage is a charming home with plenty of character and much more room than you'd expect from something so small!


- 100% custom mesh - absolutely no MP items from other creators
- Authentic, accurate floor plan
- Two floors
- Two bedrooms
- One bathroom
- Kitchen
- Living Room with fireplace and fire
- Ivy crawling up the chimney
- 13x16 footprint - fits on most plots!


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  • 100% Mesh design
  • Historically accurate design and floorplan
  • charming
  • Includes snow roof and christmas tree
  • Hand-textured
Classificação média: full star full star full star full star full star
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So charming!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 23/12/2020 por Dan Vedrina

This adorable little house is so charming! I saw it and wanted to demo it and IM'd the creator, then I got to reading about the real life house that this is inspired by, and I loved the story and thought it was just adorable and so I couldn't wait and bought it before the creator even had a chance to get back to me! The house follows the floorplan of the real life house to a T except it is missing the small built in cupboard that is to the right of the fireplace, which is fine! The details of the home are really good! The real life home has a window that is actually medieval with vertical wood bars and this creator did the same thing! He also used some different woods that really make it feel like an old house that has been updated throughout the centuries! The doors are very detailed in that they are made of wood boards that don't meet evenly at the top, just like in real life. I love that detail very much since especially centuries ago, their doors weren't completely even! I'm so pleased with this home, it fits in any century and is so cozy. I'm so happy with this house! The only possible improvement I can think of is maybe it'd be nice if the windows could be opened.

The only issue with the house is the listing says it is copy and modify, but its only copy. Could I please get a modifiable copy?

Thanks for a lovely home!

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L$ 899

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The Golden Stallion
The Golden Stallion
Vendido por: Drake Coalcliff

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 142