CCD MESH Wall Shelf Wrought Iron Birch Wood
100% MESH.
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Beautiful and Very realistic MESH
High resolution ShadowMap..
High resolution Textures Iron and Wood.
All ShadowMap and Textures 1024X1024
Very realistic wrought iron.
wrought iron ShelfUnit.
wrought iron shelves Large.
wrought iron shelves Medium.
wrought iron shelves Small.
Strong LOD.
Land Impact .......
wrought iron ShelfUnit 6.
wrought iron shelves Large 3.
wrought iron shelves Medium 2.
wrought iron shelves Small 1.
Please do not sell FULLPERM.
Do not sell to 0 Linden.
Distribute this product with your own texture You can not distribute AO Map
Distribute this product part of your creations.
Distribute this product "copy mod / no transfer" "transfer / no copy no mod".
CC...Design Mesh Full Perm For Builders
Thank you!
Veja o item no Second LifeLove these!
I have never been disappointed in anything i have purchased from this creator! Wonderfully done and detailed- easy to make my own textures- well done!
Using these in my store and i couldn't be more happy fantastic detail and reasonable on the prims you wont be dissapointed