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M*P Sapiant Legs REVAMP (REBORN) Versão 1.0

M*P Sapiant Legs REVAMP (REBORN)
M*P Sapiant Legs REVAMP (REBORN)
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|--------------------------------- S T O P -------------------------------|
THIS IS THE REVAMP OF THE EVER-POPULAR SAPIANT LEGS! If you own the Sapiant Legs before (Even one that is NOT revamped, please message me and I will give you another one of you choice!)

The Sapiant Legs have been REVAMPed, completely redone! They are now BOM and cut-off at the knee! The rigging has been completely redone, and the feet will now bend like a proper "hand," and the UVs are all on the SLUV! There are BOM layers to help cover the foot, claws and ankle!

OLD SAPIANT LEG TEXTURES DO NOT WORK ANYMORE! But that shouldn't be a problem, now that is SLUV!

Looking for the old ones? A better deal? They're CHEAPER and found, INWORLD! Follow the link below~

**Please note, there is an error in the mesh on the right foot, back toe. We are aware of this issue and are trying to fix it.

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L$ 399

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Versão demo
Magican Productions
Vendido por: Becky Nosferatu

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Mesh: 100% Mesh, Mesh ajustada