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MSD - Paintbrush Bucket Planters - Set of Three - (7 LI) C/M

MSD - Paintbrush Bucket Planters - Set of Three - (7 LI) C/M
MSD - Paintbrush Bucket Planters - Set of Three - (7 LI) C/M
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Morgan Sim Designs - Paintbrush Bucket Planters - Set of Three (7 LI) Copy/Modify No Transfer

A set of three paint buckets with a bit of dripping paint re-purposed into flower planters. Each paint bucket has the color coordinated dried paintbrush peeking through the flowers. Each flower arrangement is different but coordinate well together.

Please Note: Each plant and or flower may be color-toned to achieve a certain depth of color. If you decide to change a color or tone of a plant or flower, edit the linked set, then change or re-tone that particular plant or flower. If you tone the entire arrangement at once you will alter the overall look of the arrangement.

Morgan Sim Designs - Join our group for a once a month garden gift.

L$ 130

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Morgan Sim Designs
Morgan Sim Designs
Vendido por: Chandra Pelazzi

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 7