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:MSPR: - COEL'S Mobian Starlight Head Lower Pointy Lashes

:MSPR: - COEL'S Mobian Starlight Head Lower Pointy Lashes
:MSPR: - COEL'S Mobian Starlight Head Lower Pointy Lashes
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Some cool pointy lashes in style~!

Two versions of these lashes~!

Bonus~! added in an eyeline texture to do with the [COEL] Starlight Head (No Lashes). It pairs well with these lashes and with the Pretty Girl Lashes.

These lashes can work with any other mobian head, only the eyeline texture doesn't since it can only be used on the [COEL] Starlight Head.

You will need the [COEL] Starlight Head (No Lashes) in order for the texture eyeline to work.

[COEL] Starlight Mobian Head link:

If you have any problems with the permissions, please message me and I'll help you ASAP~ ^^

Please note that modding knowledge is required~

L$ 0

My Sweet Passion Rose
My Sweet Passion Rose
Vendido por: amyrose028

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