MW Snow Angel 2017 Omega Compatible Versão V1

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Classic & Mesh Body Compatible. Demo Available at In-World Location.

Snow Angel 2017 is an updated all white winter outfit that is versatile and easy to wear even when not expecting. It comes with:

** Fit Mesh Gauze Knit Boho Style Sweater (5 sizes)
** Models for Maitreya Lara, Belleza: Venus, Isis, Freya and SLink: Physique
** White Detail Winter Slouch Leggings for classic avatars. Maitreya and Omega Appliers for mesh bodies.
** Mesh White Knit Scarf
** Mesh Unrigged White Furry Knee Flat Heel Boots that can be resized to suit your needs. Comes with a resize script which you can delete. Models for Classic, Maitreya, Belleza and Slink flat feet. Heel bases included.
** Mesh White Cable Knit Hat with resize script and copyable to suit your needs.
** Mesh White Beaded Necklace
** Mesh Handcrafted Earrings
** Apple May Baby Bump Applier


Please be aware the Apple May Baby Bump is not included, you will have to purchase that from Apple May's in-world store, or online in her Marketplace store. I have merely supplied an applier.

The fitmesh can stretch to suit most pregnancy shapes. You will have to work with your own particular shape to achieve the right look for you. Keep in mind that when changing your shape to watch for the saddle bag & love handle sliders in Appearance - they often can make mesh do funny things, so keep these numbers low.

I wish you all the best for your Holiday Season. Enjoy your SL!!

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  • Fit Mesh Knit Boho Style Sweater (5 Sizes) Maitreya, Belleza & Slink
  • White Detail Winter Slouch Leggings / Mesh Handcrafted Earrings
  • Mesh White Knit Scarf / White Furry Knee High Low Heel Boots
  • White Cable Knit Hat / Mesh White Beaded Necklace
  • Apple May Baby Bump Applier, Maitreya & Omega Appliers

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Maddison Wexhome Designs (MW Designs)
Maddison Wexhome Designs (MW Designs)
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Vendido por: Maddison Wexhome
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  • Funcionam com avatares clássicos e em mesh Mais informações
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