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MadPea Faces In Holes "The Chosen One"

MadPea Faces In Holes "The Chosen One"
MadPea Faces In Holes "The Chosen One"
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This is the THE CHOSEN ONE prop/ pose stand from the set of FACES IN THE HOLE by MADPEA

Seats 1 avatar.

Looking for something fun for your visitors?
This prop is a great way to engage guests and is a good photography prop as well.

Simply sit on the stand and your avatar will poke its head through the hole. Position is easily adjustable with direction arrow.

Perfect for a carnival sim, party trick or photography location.

This retired gacha set was part of the August 2015 art series.

You receive the one stand listed in the title.

The rares hold spaces for two avatars to sit at the same time, commons hold space for 1 avatar.

Check it out at my inworld store.

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L$ 45

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Connorboy26 Building and Gacha
Connorboy26 Building and Gacha
Vendido por: connorboy26

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