Male Siren Song

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His voice soothing the woman's aching heart, his hair black as night and eyes blue as the sea. As he sang to her, he swimmed closer to her. She leaned forward to hear his voice clear as day. His eyes pierced through her soul, he held out his hand to her and she took it. He pulled her in and held her tightly, as he pulled her down into the water with him as his song...

Just add the gesture and you will hear a wonderful dark siren male voice...
Perfect for roleplay!

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O.o .... Im not sure if its my ears
full star full star full star empty star empty star Postado(s) 27/05/2023 por Zak Larkspur

It's pretty funny. Imagine a man in a bathroom just warbling. Three stars for trying and price .. they just dont seem to make things for guys in SL

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