Mana Orb Versão 1.2

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Mana is the mystical energy that flows through all things. Some can channel this energy and shape it into raw power, ending the forces of nature to their will.

The Mana Orb is a sphere with multiple moving parts and animated textures. When clicked, it plays tranquil music, and emits waves of energy.

Included in this packet are 3 different versions of the orb.
The first version floats over your palms, the second version plays a "kneeling" animation for more focused meditation, and the final version orbits your avatar slowly.

*fixed small permissions error in version 1.2
If you would like an updated copy, just IM me in world.

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  • Several moving parts
  • Animated textures
  • Animated particle effect
  • Plays music with a touch
  • 3 versions included


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This is cool! Has great options!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 08/04/2019 por Katie Darlandes

49L? BARGAIN! You get a wonderfully detailed orb that can either hover between your outspread hands, float around you (you can res as many as you want to do that too!) or you can lean before it. It is just what I needed for a floating meditation pose and not I pack it with me everywhere for fun. It's bright, but doesn't broadcast that light everywhere in annoying way. The graphic animations in it are cool!

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Steedful Things
Steedful Things
Vendido por: Avok

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