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Mardi Gras Horse Outfit

Mardi Gras Horse Outfit
Mardi Gras Horse Outfit
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This does NOT sell a Horse. You must have a Waterhorse horse first before these things will work.

Sold here are as follows:

Mardi Gras top hat with feather and bow.

Mardi Gras horse wreath

Mardi Gras Bow TEXTURE for the short mane of a Waterhorse, (This texture is fullperm) because a buyer has told me that no transfer images can't be used on the mane.

Mardi Gras Braided Horse Tail, which is built and made to be worn with a light riding horse either warmblood or a quarterhorse, ( just add it to the horse instead of the usual tail. )

Contact Seller with any problems or questions. I have included a notecard with instructions.
(If you don't get a notecard in the folder, let me know. It seemed not to appear when I put it in.)

L$ 100

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Amadeo's Artifacts
Vendido por: Amadeo1499

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