Martinet Class Schooner GTFO Edition Versão 1.4b [ 23 March 2024 ]
An uprated Martinet class schooner in two hull colours, now fitted with AVsitter poses and equipped for GTFO (Get The Freight Out) operations including visible freight when loaded. Cargo capacity is 52.
If you don't require GTFO then the original Martinet is available by following the 'Related Items' link below.
** Please note, some scripts have required updating for this edition to function fully and correctly with the GTFO system. Updating the original Martinet using files from the GTFO site alone is therefore NOT recommended, because the original Martinet has not received the modified scripts and will therefore not function correctly using GTFO's visible cargo. **
With thanks to Grizzly Silversmith and EminyRoddenham for their kind assistance with this project.