From Starbound, only in 3D with materials! Looks very realistic. This is basically wearable fan art, would be great for some kind of roleplay.
Full perm textures are inside, also includes a full perm script. Type "/99 on" or /99 off" into chat to toggle particle beam. Attaches to right hand (default).
Doesn't really do anything special, although you can script it to do whatever you want.
The textures have been slightly improved since I made the video, so it looks more like the images.
Visualizar vídeo »Nice!
This is a very well made replication of the Matter Manipulator. My only quip with it is that the glowing pieces prevent it from being shrank, so it stays at a large size. However, with some minor modding, I was able to shrink it down. Still love it to pieces. :D