Medieval Castle (134 prims)

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Medieval style castle, 40 x 50 mts. footprint.

This building has been made with special care in the prim saving and the optimization of the spaces.

You have a very detailed structure, organized as follows:
1-Base level : big saloon with a fireplace (almost the size of the footprint), a second room with fireplace too, and two more rooms in the base of the towers.
1-Second level : two more rooms in the towers and two storage rooms (one with wine barrels) and access door to the front balcony.
3-Third level : main bedroom, secondary room and two cells in the towers.

That make a total of twelve rooms, very spacious and comfortable, and two complete fireplaces, all with selected textures and careful design, in only 134 prims !! Many standard medium houses uses more than that.

If you look for a comfortable building, with lot of rooms of good size, beautifully textured, in a really low prim design, this is a great option.

You can't find easily this quality of building at this price !


  • Fast rezzing/de-rezzing system
  • Big building, comfortable, many rooms
  • Very low prim design



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Joa Anderton's Place
Joa Anderton's Place
Vendido por: Joachim Anderton

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Impacto no terreno: 134