Arch Doorway Versão 1.0

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 3 Resenhas


100% Mesh Decorative Arch Doorway. Full Perms. UV Mapped 5 Sided. Convex shape, 3 prims. Not for resale as is with Full Perms


  • Mesh Arch Doorway
  • Full Perms
  • UV Mapped - 5 Faces
  • 3 Prims
  • Not for resale as is with Full Perms


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Absolutely perfect.....
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 22/08/2020 por Eleanora Miles

After scratching my head trying to create my own archway I found this genius creation. LOVE it....thank you for your creativity. :)

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Lower LI than Expected :)
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 16/04/2020 por powerofvoid

The LI is listed as 3, but that's because the author thinks doors need to be large enough to drive a truck through.

Fortunately, there is nothing stopping you from resizing this product to a more reasonable size if you *don't* need to drive trucks through it, and the LI goes down when you do!

... the LI still isn't 0.5, though, like it should be.

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 3