* Mesh Nation * FULL PERMISSIONS Jeanette Veranda
Mesh Nation Jeanette Veranda
Textures, shadowmaps(AO) and specular maps included
Land Impact = 5
*Please Note that this mesh can be resized, though making it much larger might increase it's land impact/prim count.
You must read and agree to the rules below to use this kit:
This is a Full Permission Mesh kit for your personal building projects and sellable products.
The following conditions apply:
Next owner permissions = Copy OR Transfer but NEVER both.
It must be sold - it is not to be given away as a group gift, hunt item, MM, Lucky Chair or similar.
Selling under 50L is forbidden.
Please contact Twistia Twine if you have any questions about this product.
Veja o item no Second LifeL$ 399
Usar agora
Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.
- Copiar
- Modificar
- Transferir
- Licenciado para o usuário