* Mesh Nation * FULL PERMISSIONS Juliet Hutch
Mesh Nation Juliet hutch
consisting of:
MN Juliet hutch - textured
MN Juliet Hutch - shadowmapped
Textures and Shadowmaps are included
4 land impact
*The doors on this mesh are for decoration only and cannot be rotated/unlinked independently from the hutch.
*Please Note that this mesh can be resized, though making it much larger might increase it's land impact/prim count.
You must read and agree to the rules below to use this kit:
This is a Full Permission Mesh kit for your personal building projects and sellable products.
The following conditions apply:
Next owner permissions = Copy OR Transfer but NEVER both.
It must be sold - it is not to be given away as a group gift, hunt item, MM, lucky Chair or similar.
Please contact Twistia Twine if you have any questions about this product.
Awesome Work
another nice piece thank you! no problem here working with the ao maps and UV
its great but it goes better
the Faces are not so good for me to change the Texture how I realy need and thought it. I work now over 1 hour to change it and its realy hard to textured it that it looks perfect. But it goes .. you need time time time! I would prefer that the doors have more faces .. the choices are so not enough for this price but the qualtiy as it is - is fantastic
L$ 399
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