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Mesh Sledge Hammer Versão 1

Mesh Sledge Hammer
Mesh Sledge Hammer
3 Resenhas

The quintessential sledge hammer, ideal for smashing stuff to smithereens. The geometry is highly optimized for a light footprint that doesn't sacrifice anything in terms of realism. The design is fully modular so that the haft and the hammer head are individual objects, so they can be used independently if desired.

Please watch the video for more details.

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  • Realistic
  • Accurate Scale
  • Modular
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nice! and FP!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 06/09/2017 por Kahvy Sands

Totally missed that, great price for a FP item! Well done,. nicely textured, holds LI pretty well when stretched. The LOD issue the other review mentions I did not encounter. This is visible from quite some distance just fine. NICE item!

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Nice tool
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 10/01/2015 por Val Kish

I wish level of detail would be better though, since it gets out of shape before getting out of sight.

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L$ 49

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Vendido por: Neotoy Story

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
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