OPQ Metal Stairs 01 4-38-30-27 (CM) (Boxed)

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 0 Resenhas


+ 1 LI
+ 4 steps
+ 3.8x3x2.7 m (resizeable)
+ Low Lag
+ Copy/Modify
+ Copy/Modify

A metal staircase painted in black. A rusty variant is listed separately, see Related Items below.

Please note that the top of the railings are open so it needs to be set against a wall or a pair of pillars.

If the stairs don't fit!
Yes, we do custom builds. Anything from simple retexturing/resizing (for those who'd rather not do it themselves), through modifications to our existing models (different number of steps etc.) to entirely new designs.
The price depends on the complexity of the task and also on whether you want it full perm or no transfer. Send a notecard with a description of what you ned to ChinRey Resident for a quote.
All OPQ products are:
• Copyable
• Modifiable
• Made in Second Life for Second Life
• Made to look good with all standard graphics settings
• Low LI
• LOD resistant
• Low lag
Reviews and feedback
At OPQ we take pride in delivering the highest possible quality products for Second Life. Mistakes do happen though and if you feel what you bought doesn't fit the description or what you should expect, please contact ChinRey Resident or TessJL Resident and we will try our best to correct any mistakes we may have made.
If you don't receive anything at all, it's because of some error in the Marketplace software and out of our control. But it's easy to correct. Just give us the order no. and the date of purchase and we'll send you a copy of the package.
If you like what you bought, please leave a positive review! It only takes a minute and is highly appreciated! ^_^

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OPQ Gardens and Landscaping
OPQ Gardens and Landscaping
Vendido por: TessJL

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0 Resenhas
  • Copiar
  • Modificar
  • Transferir
  • Licenciado para o usuário
Re-entrega automática
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 1